
Gibrondol’s Encasement
2nd–Level Conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet
Components V, S, M (electrum coin)
Duration: permanent

                  The caster flips an electrum coin into the air, points at a handheld object, and before the coin lands must shout the old elven word “Tob-al!” [encase!]. The item is encased in electrum, though if the object being encased is being worn or grasped by an unwilling target, then its owner may make a DEX save against the caster’s DC level to avoid the encasement.  Magic items offer a bonus to such saving throw, the size of the bonus varying based on the power of the item.  The encasement is permanent, unless deactivated by the caster or undone by dispel magicor other appropriate countermeasure. 
                  The effects of electrum encasement will vary depending on the nature of the object, improving some items (e.g., a wooden staff encased in electrum may become heavier and sturdier), while rendering others virtually useless (e.g., an encased garment becomes virtually impossible to wear).  
                  Encasement may not be used on a living being or on any object too large to be held by a person the same size (or smaller) than the caster.


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