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Session 35 Recap & Experience Awards (draft)

Drawing by @matt_hilker The green-tinted stone walls, impossible smooth, gave no clue of their origin.  But they undoubtedly hid something sinister, for every few moments the Wildcats spent within them came some beastly howl or terrible groan reverberating through.  What was this place, one could only wonder, Such contemplation would need to await some other time.  For the echo came through of approaching voices--multiple loud men barking a gruff ogrish tongue.  Darvaloths, undoubtedly. The Wildcats had come upon other of their ilk only minutes previous, and now more would come.   But the company would be ready this time.  Their foes' clamorous approach had tipped a clear advantage to the Wildcats, who would use it well to set a simple, yet effective ambush.  The ranger Unagi set his cordon of arrows , while his comrades tiptoed back around a near corner to await the coming foes. The prolonged distant dialogue betrayed a confusion unexpected for residents of this labyri

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